29.99 €
✨The bracelet usually consists of several gemstones or crystals, each representing a different chakra. The stones are: clear quartz, red jasper, carnelian, calcite, aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst and selenite
✨ The bracelet is often made with an elastic band so that it can comfortably adjust to different wrist sizes
✨ The gemstones or crystals in the bracelet are said to have healing properties that can help balance and align the wearer’s chakras.
✨ The 7-chakra Bracelet is often associated with spirituality and can be used for meditation and mindfulness practices.
✨In addition to its spiritual and healing properties, the 7 chakra bracelet can also be a stylish accessory that suits various Outfits can be worn.
7 Chakra-Armband
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Ja, die Edelsteine jedes Lieferanten wurden von einem Edelsteinexperten des Geologischen Museums in Kowno untersucht. Wir haben erst nach Erhalt der Zertifikate mit dem Verkauf begonnen und legen jedem Edelstein eine Kopie des Zertifikats bei. Da die Kosten für die Prüfung durch einen Experten etwa 100 polnische Złotych betragen, lassen wir nicht jedes Armband zertifizieren, da dies die Preise unangemessen machen würde. Sollten wir jedoch in Zukunft den Lieferanten wechseln oder Probleme mit der Qualität der Edelsteine vermuten, werden wir umgehend reagieren und sie erneut zertifizieren lassen.
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Bitte geben Sie bei der Bestellung die genaue Größe Ihres Handgelenks in Zentimetern an (nahe am Handgelenk, sonst kann das Armband locker sein). Es gibt zwei Methoden der Messung:
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Ja, Sie können das Armband innerhalb von 30 Tagen ohne weitere Fragen zurückgeben, und auf das elastische Band gibt es eine 6-monatige Garantie.
Bei jeder Bestellung eines Armbands legen wir zwei zusätzliche Steine und ein Gummiband bei. Fädeln Sie so viele Steine wie nötig auf das Gummiband und binden Sie sie dann mit der Fünf-Knoten-Methode (ähnlich wie beim Binden von Schnürsenkeln):
Wenn das Binden nicht wie erwartet funktioniert, schicken Sie das Armband an uns zurück – wir helfen Ihnen kostenlos.
Alle Bestellungen werden online bearbeitet, da wir von zu Hause aus arbeiten und kein physisches Geschäft haben. Wenn Sie es jedoch eilig haben, können Sie anrufen und sich erkundigen, wann Ihre Bestellung bearbeitet und versandt wird.
Die Steine sind etwa 10 mm groß.
A 7 chakra bracelet is a type of bracelet that is believed to align and balance the seven chakras in the body. The concept of chakras comes from ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts that describe energy centers in the body. The seven chakras are located along the spine and are each associated with a specific color, element, and aspect of the body and mind.
The seven chakras are:
✨ Root Chakra (red): associated with stability, grounding and physical needs.
✨ Sacral Chakra (orange): is associated with creativity, sexuality and emotional balance.
✨ Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow): represents personal power, self-confidence and self-esteem.
✨ Heart Chakra (green): is associated with love, compassion and relationships.
✨ Throat chakra (blue): stands for communication, self-expression and truth.
✨ Third eye chakra (indigo): stands for intuition, perception and spiritual awareness.
✨ Crown Chakra (purple): Connection with the divine, enlightenment and transcendence
The 7 chakra bracelet usually consists of seven colored beads or stones, each of which corresponds to a specific chakra.
It is believed that wearing a 7 chakra -Bracelets contribute to the balance and alignment of the chakras and promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. It can be worn as a piece of jewelry or used in meditation or other spiritual practices.
Benefits of Wearing a 7 Chakra Bracelet
A 7 chakra bracelet is a piece of jewelry that contains seven different gemstones or crystals, each representing one of the seven chakras in the body .
The chakras are energy centers in the body that are believed to be responsible for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Wearing a 7 chakra bracelet is said to have several benefits:
✨ Balancing the Chakras: The gemstones in the bracelet can help balance the flow of energy in the body, which is important for overall health and well-being.
✨ Promote Emotional Healing: Each chakra is associated with specific emotions, and wearing a bracelet can help regulate these emotions, leading to a greater sense of peace and calm.
✨ Promote spiritual awareness: Wearing a 7 chakra bracelet can promote spiritual awareness and deepen one’s spiritual practice.
✨ Improve physical health: A balanced flow of energy in the body can help improve physical health and reduce stress and anxiety.
✨ Encourage creativity: A balanced chakra system can also lead to greater creativity and inspiration.
Wearing a 7 chakra bracelet can help promote balance, healing and well-being in all areas of life.
How to Protect Your 7 Chakra Bracelet
▪️ Clean your bracelet regularly with dry salt or sage to remove negative energy.
▪️ Store your bracelet in a safe and dry place when you are not using it To avoid damage or exposure to harsh elements.
▪️ Avoid exposing your bracelet to direct sunlight for long periods of time as this may fade the colors of the gemstones.< a i=3>▪️ Remove your bracelet when participating in activities such as swimming or showering to avoid damaging the bracelet and gemstones.▪️ Pay attention to the energy you come into contact with your bracelet.▪️ Avoid wearing it in negative environments or emotionally charged situations.▪️ Handle your bracelet with care , so that it is not accidentally dropped or damaged.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
???? Emotional Treasures: As holiday souvenirs or special gifts, keychains have sentimental value that makes them treasured possessions.< a i=3>???? Aesthetic appeal: Keychains enhance the look of keys and add an attractive touch to their overall appearance. ???? Easy Identification: Keychains make keys stand out, making them easily identifiable and accessible when needed. ???? Daily Convenience: Keychains are an essential accessory in daily life that ensures that keys are always at hand and not misplaced.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
♦️ Red Jasper is a variety of chalcedony, a type of microcrystalline quartz known for its deep red color with occasional patterns of other colors.
♦️ It is a very grounding and stabilizing Stone often associated with increasing physical strength, vitality and endurance.
♦️ Red jasper is believed to promote courage and protect against negativity, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional and spiritual support.
♦️ This stone is often used to stimulate and balance the base or root chakra to provide a feeling of stability, security and connection to the earth to create.
♦️ Red Jasper is also known to promote determination, focus and motivation, making it useful for anyone who wants to achieve goals and is working on projects or tasks that require perseverance.
⚫ The pendant is designed in the shape of a pyramid, symbolizing strength, stability and manifestation.
⚫ Pure quartz is believed to enhance energy and intentions, improve spiritual awareness and promotes emotional and physical well-being.
⚫ Pure quartz can also be used as an energy amplifier during meditation.
⚫ The pure quartz pendant pyramid is a versatile and suitable accessory for men and women.
⚫ You can combine it with different outfits when you go out to party during the day or evening.
⚫ The Clear Quartz Pendant Pyramid is a unique piece of jewelry that attracts everyone’s attention. It adds a touch of elegance to your entire personality.
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