66.99 €
???? Conversation bracelets are designed for couples to wear as a symbol of their love and commitment to each other.
???? These bracelets allow couples to communicate non-verbally throughout the day, even when apart by looking at their bracelet and being reminded of their partner’s love.
???? Conversation bracelets can be customized to suit the couple’s style and preferences, making them a unique and special accessory .
???? They can be a constant reminder of the love and connection between two people, strengthening their bond and relationship over time.
Konversationsarmbänder für Paare
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Ja, die Edelsteine jedes Lieferanten wurden von einem Edelsteinexperten des Geologischen Museums in Kowno untersucht. Wir haben erst nach Erhalt der Zertifikate mit dem Verkauf begonnen und legen jedem Edelstein eine Kopie des Zertifikats bei. Da die Kosten für die Prüfung durch einen Experten etwa 100 polnische Złotych betragen, lassen wir nicht jedes Armband zertifizieren, da dies die Preise unangemessen machen würde. Sollten wir jedoch in Zukunft den Lieferanten wechseln oder Probleme mit der Qualität der Edelsteine vermuten, werden wir umgehend reagieren und sie erneut zertifizieren lassen.
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Bitte geben Sie bei der Bestellung die genaue Größe Ihres Handgelenks in Zentimetern an (nahe am Handgelenk, sonst kann das Armband locker sein). Es gibt zwei Methoden der Messung:
Wir bieten die folgenden Zahlungsmöglichkeiten an:
Verfügbare Kontaktmethoden:
Ja, Sie können das Armband innerhalb von 30 Tagen ohne weitere Fragen zurückgeben, und auf das elastische Band gibt es eine 6-monatige Garantie.
Bei jeder Bestellung eines Armbands legen wir zwei zusätzliche Steine und ein Gummiband bei. Fädeln Sie so viele Steine wie nötig auf das Gummiband und binden Sie sie dann mit der Fünf-Knoten-Methode (ähnlich wie beim Binden von Schnürsenkeln):
Wenn das Binden nicht wie erwartet funktioniert, schicken Sie das Armband an uns zurück – wir helfen Ihnen kostenlos.
Alle Bestellungen werden online bearbeitet, da wir von zu Hause aus arbeiten und kein physisches Geschäft haben. Wenn Sie es jedoch eilig haben, können Sie anrufen und sich erkundigen, wann Ihre Bestellung bearbeitet und versandt wird.
Die Steine sind etwa 10 mm groß.
???? Conversation bracelets for couples are a unique and meaningful way for partners to connect and deepen their relationship. These bracelets typically contain a series of questions or prompts designed to spark conversation and encourage deeper communication between partners.
???? Improve your communication skills and express your authentic self with the powerful combination of Black Agate and Apatite stones. Crystals allow us to connect with our true selves and unlock our cognitive potential. Effective communication is crucial in our daily interactions, and crystals have a profound impact on our feelings, thoughts, and self-perception. With this duo we give you the perfect tool to unlock your full potential.
???? Black Agate is known for its grounding properties and inner strength. This variety of agate helps calm and soothe the mind, allowing you to maintain composure and mental calm. It also strengthens willpower and supports the completion of tasks. By rebalancing the root chakra, Black Agate ensures that one stays grounded and protects oneself from negative thoughts and energies.
???? Blue Apatite is associated with the throat chakra and aids in clear communication. It helps remove blockages and allows you to express yourself freely. Blue Apatite is also associated with self-acceptance, self-confidence and motivation. It also offers physical benefits such as promoting bone and teeth health.
The combination of black agate and blue apatite is the perfect gift for anyone looking to improve their communication skills. By opening the throat and heart chakras, this unique stone blend allows for effective communication and building meaningful connections with others.
???? By wearing conversation bracelets together, couples can create a special bond that is strengthened by their shared experiences and conversations. These bracelets can serve as a reminder to make time for each other, even in the midst of busy schedules and daily stressors.
How to wear the conversation bracelets for couples
Here are some tips on how to wear conversation bracelets for couples:
Entscheiden Sie sich für ein Design: Vor dem Tragen von Konversationsarmbändern ist es wichtig, ein Design zu wählen, das Ihnen und Ihrem Partner gefällt.
Tragen Sie sie an entgegengesetzten Handgelenken: Um zu zeigen, dass Sie ein Paar sind, tragen Sie die Armbänder an entgegengesetzten Handgelenken. Wenn Ihr Partner das Armband beispielsweise an seinem rechten Handgelenk trägt, sollten Sie Ihres an Ihrem linken Handgelenk tragen.
Stimmen Sie Ihre Outfits aufeinander ab: Konversationsarmbänder können ein lustiges Accessoire sein, das Sie auf Ihre Outfits abstimmen können. Wählen Sie Farben, die Ihre Kleidung ergänzen, und tragen Sie sie als dezenten Akzent.
Behalten Sie sie an: Tragen Sie die Armbänder immer wieder, damit die Bedeutung und das Gefühl hinter den Armbändern lebendig bleiben. Vermeiden Sie es, sie für längere Zeit abzulegen.
Teilen Sie die Bedeutung mit: Wenn Sie nach den Armbändern gefragt werden, sollten Sie bereit sein, die Geschichte oder die Bedeutung zu erzählen, die hinter den Armbändern steckt. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Liebesgeschichte mit anderen teilen.
Pflege von Konversationsarmbändern für Paare
Hier sind einige Punkte über die Vorteile und Eigenschaften von Konversationsarmbändern für Paare:
???? Ausdruck von Liebe und Zuneigung – Konversationsarmbänder dienen als greifbares Symbol der Liebe und Zuneigung zwischen zwei Menschen. Durch das Tragen eines Armbands mit dem Namen oder den Initialen des Partners kann man zeigen, wie viel einem an ihm liegt.
???? Einzigartigkeit und Personalisierung – Diese Armbänder können an die Persönlichkeit und den Stil des jeweiligen Partners angepasst werden, was sie zu einem einzigartigen und besonderen Geschenk macht.
???? Erinnerung an besondere Momente – Konversationsarmbänder können auch an besondere Momente zwischen einem Paar erinnern. Zum Beispiel kann ein Armband, das während eines unvergesslichen Urlaubs gekauft wurde, schöne Erinnerungen wecken.
???? Fernbeziehung – Paare, die sich in einer Fernbeziehung befinden, können sich durch das Tragen passender Konversationsarmbänder verbunden fühlen. Die Armbänder können sie daran erinnern, dass die Entfernung zwischen ihnen nur physisch ist und sie immer noch emotional miteinander verbunden sind.
???? The rose quartz bracelet has a bright and glamorous pink hue that will add a bold and eye-catching accent to your look.
???? Rose quartz is said to have energizing properties, vitality, strength and promote motivation. Wearing a bracelet can brighten and improve your mood.
???? The color of rose quartz symbolizes passion, love and desire. Wearing a bracelet can help you express your fiery and intense feelings in a stylish and elegant way.
???? The rose quartz bracelet has a versatile design that can be easily combined with a variety of outfits. It can be worn as a stand-alone piece of jewelry or combined with other bracelets.
???? Rose quartz increases physical energy, supports the circulatory system and promotes vitality.
???? The play of colors of the labradorite creates a mystical and enchanting effect, perfect for any occasion.
???? The bracelet is made of smooth and round beads.
???? It adds elegance and versatility.
???? It is comfortable to wear and goes well with casual and formal outfits.
???? Labradorite is known for its metaphysical properties including promoting intuition, stimulating imagination and protection.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
???? The Heart/Opening and Balancing Couples Bracelets are designed for couples who want to strengthen their emotional connection and balance their energies.
???? These bracelets usually come in pairs -Sets come with each partner wearing a bracelet as a symbol of commitment.
???? The bracelets are often set with gemstones or crystals said to promote love, compassion and balance, such as rose quartz, amethyst and tiger’s eye .
???? Heart-opening and balancing couple bracelets can be a meaningful and stylish way for couples to show their love and support for each other.
◾ The Hematite bracelet is made from a natural mineral known for its luster and dark gray or black color.
◾ It is believed to have grounding and balancing properties and helps promote a sense of calm and stability.
◾ The bracelet is worn frequently because it can improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.
◾ Hematite- Bracelets are often worn as a fashion accessory and are easy to combine with a variety of outfits due to their neutral color.
◾ Some people also associate hematite with protection against negative energies and increasing overall energy levels.
✅ 30 days unconditional money back guarantee.
✅ 6 months guarantee.
✅ The stones are CERTIFIED by the Museum of Geomology.✅ See for yourself the healing properties.
✅ Ideal as a meaningful, interesting and original gift.
???? Unakite is a type of stone that combines two minerals, epidote and slate, into a unique and striking combination of green and pink colors.
???? Unakite bracelets are said to have balancing properties and help harmonize emotions, promote spiritual growth, a sense of calm and grounding.
???? Unakite’s natural patterns and colors make each bracelet unique, adding natural beauty and individuality to the wearer’s style.
????Unakite is often associated with the heart chakra, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional healing, compassion and nourishing energies.
???? Unakite bracelets are often used as a wearable reminder to connect with nature, cultivate inner peace, and develop a sense of oneness with the world around us.
???? They feature a unique design that symbolizes the relationship between the two people wearing them. These can include infinity symbols, hearts or other meaningful motifs.
???? Harmony bracelets for couples are usually sold as a matching set, with one bracelet for each partner. This creates a feeling of unity and connection between the two people.
???? They are designed to adjust to different wrist sizes, making them a versatile gift option.
???? We offer a 30-day, unconditional money back guarantee so you can make your purchase with confidence.
???? Our 6-month elastic band warranty ensures extra durability and security.
⚫ The black obsidian bracelet has a stylish, sophisticated design that fits any outfit and any occasion.
⚫ The black obsidian bracelet is said to have a protective energy that protects against Protects against negative emotions and provides a feeling of grounding and stability.
⚫ The smooth and shiny surface of the black obsidian creates an enchanting reflective effect that further enhances the charm of the bracelet.
⚫ Suitable for both men and women, the black obsidian bracelet is a versatile accessory that can be worn on a variety of occasions, from everyday outings to formal occasions.
⚫ Black obsidian is believed to have healing properties that can help relieve stress, promote emotional healing and spiritual growth, which is why this fashion bracelet can be beneficial for your overall well-being.
???? Designed to be worn by both partners as a symbol of their love and commitment to each other.
???? They promote feelings of calm, balance and stability, which is particularly important in times of stress or anxiety can be helpful.
???? Can be tailored to each partner’s specific needs or preferences, e.g. B. by choosing specific stones or colors that resonate with it.
???? We offer our customers a 30-day money back guarantee to help them make a good purchase to make.
???? Our 6-month guarantee ensures longevity and safety for our customers.
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